Poetry Please

The Welsh poet Owen Sheers is Roger McGough’s guest choosing some of his favourite poems. He has chosen work with an ecological theme, pieces which reflect his concern for the environment. Poems include The Horses by Edwin Muir, The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry and a new poem by Poet Laureate Simon Armitage. Read More …

I Saw A Man

Owen Sheers – I Saw A Man BBC Radio 4 Bookclub Owen Sheers talks about his novel I Saw A Man with James Naughtie and a group of readers at the Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea. After the sudden loss of his wife, Michael Turner moves from Wales to London to start again. Living on a Read More …

Unicorns, Almost

Bristol Old Vic Tuesday 3rd – Saturday 7th September Unicorns, Almost tells the life story of Keith Douglas from his early childhood to his fighting in the Western desert as a tank commander; his accelerated education as a poet to his early death three days after the D-Day landings in Normandy at age 24. Marking the Read More …

Black Mountains College

Black Mountains College A college for the future Black Mountains College will be a new kind of college in rural Wales. Dedicated to creativity, experimental learning and adaptive thinking, BMC will offer undergraduate and further education courses and professional development for teachers. BMC will produce undergraduates, skilled craftspeople and teachers schooled in creative methods and Read More …

The Seed

‘The Seed’ by Owen Sheers was written in response to Wilfred Owen’s ‘Sonnet, to a Child’: 'The Seed' by @owensheers was written in response to Wilfred Owen's 'Sonnet, to a Child' (https://t.co/Dn0m5hkaCy) https://t.co/zpfkGhgmYq #Armistice100 #ArmisticeDay100 pic.twitter.com/y17n0gPKHh — Hay Festival (@hayfestival) November 11, 2018

To Provide All People: A Poem in the Voice of the NHS

July 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the National Health Service Act. Owen Sheers, the author of Pink Mist and the BAFTA nominated The Green Hollow, has created a  ‘film-poem’ to coincide with the Vox Pictures/BBC production broadcast to mark the occasion. To Provide All People is the intimate story of the NHS in British society today. Depicting 24 Read More …

The NHS: To Provide All People

This Great Act should have so stormy a birth A film poem ‘in the voice of the NHS’ by Owen Sheers with Michael Sheen and Eve Myles; bringing to life the words of Aneirin Bevan by Martin Freeman, Susan Wokoma and Michelle Fairley. Thursday, 28 June – 9pm on BBC One Wales More information: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06bjxbn